Sequencher’s output Reports create printable versions of your data. The Reports provide analysis tools such as clustering of like samples in the Population Report.
The Population Report is a unique summary of the data in the Variance Table. Each Population Report consists of two types of tables; one Populations table and several individual detail tables that describe each group in the Populations table.

The Variance Detail Report provides all of the information available in Sequencher to support the Variance Table. Like in the Individual Variance Reports, a summary table lists the Variants for each sample or column. Additionally in the Variance Detail Report, a Detail Table follows the Variant Table for each of the described variants. The details in this table include the sequence names, orientation, and base call of any data that contributes to the calling of the Variant. If confidence or chromatogram data are available, this is also included for each sequence in the table. The chromatogram data includes the specifics of secondary peak contribution and an image of the chromatogram for up to six tracelets per variant, although the number of tracelets per variant is configurable.